Snowden (2016) Our generations George Washington real history in the making

Snowden (2016)  - I don't think everyone is understanding how important this is. We need to do something about this. We are all at risk, these are god like powers given to men. Never in history has their been a power this great. The control of all information is possible with these tools. They have done this in 15 years ! What will happen in another 15 years? When they have started making other decisions for you. In a world where cars drive them selfs and robots fight are wars ? Defend Snowden like you would defend yourself....... because...... Get ready for this.... You are
Ask yourself this?
if a man can be punished for simply telling the truth. Or in this case, informing us of something we all know to be wrong. What can those same powers do to you. If one day you decided to tell on it ?
The way you help may-be small.... It may be big. But this man information deserves to be shared.

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