The Martian (2015) An epic space survival film

The Martian was on my most anticipated list of 2015 and I am so happy to report that this is easily one of the best films of 2015. The premise of the film sees astronaut mark watney stranded on Mars after his crew think he is dead, he has to survive and try to find a way off Mars. Meanwhile, NASA and his crew are trying to find a way to save him. Now matt Damon is an underrated actor in my opinion and he was amazing in this film with one of the best performances of the year. You are rooting for mark watney and you really want to see him survive this ordeal. He was a really funny character as well and delivered a great dramatic performance that could see him get an Oscar nomination. The supporting cast is also top quality, chiwetel ejiofor us one of the people on earth trying to save watney and he is great in the role. Michael Peña provided a lot of great humour to the film and was great. Jessica chastain was great, Jeff Daniels was great and Sean bean was especially great. The story is pretty simple but it is so cool seeing Damon trying to survive on Mars and how he uses all his skills to try and make it work. I also loved the relationship he had with his crew even though there barely on screen together. And the NASA stuff on earth was all fascinating to me as you see a group of people try to do good. The script was surprisingly brilliant, there was allot more humour then I expected and it all worked in this film. But also there was a great dramatic quality to this film as there should be. The style is phenomenal, Mars has never looked better and i was blown away by the cinematography of this desolate planet. I also loved the use of suit cams and video logs as a fresh unique way of filming. Overall this film is easily one of my favourites of 2015 and is an absolute must see.

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